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22 May 2009

Fish fillet tagine طجين شرائح السمك

A tasty Moroccan dish with fish, you can use a normal pot if you don't have a Tagine.


  1. This looks wonderful and I am going to make it tomorrow. Yesterday I made the tagine with Chicken(I know that the recipe called for meat), green beans, and potato. it turned out so well that my husband is taking the leftovers for lunch tonight at work.( Thanks for your recipes. We are really eating a lot more Moroccan recipes and loving it.

  2. What a healthy recipe, this is good!

  3. Encore un plat à noter.
    Sousou mon amie, j'ai noté la recette des pains à l'huile d'argane et le l'ai faite hier. Très bons pains. Je la publierai bientôt.
    Une petite demande : serai-il possible d'avoir la liste des ingrédients écrits?
    Regarder la vidéo et noter en même est un peu compliqué et je te promets que j'ai l'habitude de la prise de notes.

  4. les tajines de poissons sont excellents, très savoureux! bonne fin de weekend

  5. We made this dish last night and was thrilled with the results. My husband (who is Moroccan) was so happy with this dish.
