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15 October 2009

TAG : Happiness

It is with a great pleasure that I answer a game of tag today which I received from my friend Nadjibella of the blog
saveurs et gourmandises. This tag consists in revealing 3 things that make me happy during the day.
If you like my recipes, take a look at her blog, I guarantee you, you will find what you are looking for.

Here are the 3 things that make me happy during the day :

* When my children wake up in the morning and come to look for me to say
" Hello, I love you mom "
* When I drink my coffee in the morning by listening to soft music and by looking at the sun as it comes through my window.
* When I receive emails (compliments) from people telling me they tried my recipes .

And like the rules of the game says, I have to pass this on to 3 blogueuses friends :

- Jouhayna In my kitchen
- Sushma mallya Autenticfooddelights
- Sourour Au Royaume de Sourour


  1. Hi sabah,thanks for the gift...thats really nice of u...and also wanted to give u a link for asafoetida

  2. tag intéressant
    je profite pour te souhaiter une belle journée

  3. salam sabah
    j'ai répondu à ton tag et je m'excuse de ce retard
    voila le lien
