A delicious chicken pie made from scratch with carrots, peas, rutabaga and celery. It has a great crust made with corn meal, flour and butter. It's easy and delicious, just try it, believe me you won't regret it./
salam hbiba ta tourte est magnifique ça donne vraiment envie!
Et je voulais te dire aussi la photo du plat a tagine est trèèèèèèèèèèèèès beau en noir, il est magnifique, tu l'as acheté au Maroc? gros bisou prends soin de toi
TON BILLET ME TOUCHE BEAUCOUP SABAH Rabi hafdek pour ta famille tes enfants et tout ce que tu fais saches que toi aussi sur ton blog tu fais des miracles article bilingue video toute une panoplie de photos qui accompagnent c est un tresor tout ca bisous joumou3a moubaraqa bi koul khair Insha Allah
I would like to share with you my own cooking style based on my Moroccan upbringing and European influences. These are simple recipes , some of them are from my mother, I hope that you will like them.All my recipes are recorded to facilitate you the spot. If you have any comments or suggestion, please don't hesitate to leave it here, I will be glad to hear from you . You can write me in 4 languages, I can speak and write Arabic, French, English and German.
Regarding written recipe requests
I would like to thank everyone of you for your visit and for your nice comments . Some people ask me to write my recipes in my blog as well as publishing the videos, either because they have a problem to view the videos and to write the recipe at the same time or they have a bad connection to the internet. I am sorry, I do not have the time and energy to do this, I work really hard to present you recipes, you can not imagine how much effort it takes to create a single video and to post it. Besides that, I do everything by myself, from A to Z, nobody helps me, also I answer the e-mails that I receive daily. Not to mention that I have a family. The purpose of the blog is to bring enjoyment to me, but honestly it sometimes feels like it's too much to handle and I get the urge to erase everything. I hope that you understand, I wish I could do what you are asking for but it is too much for me, if only there was somebody who helped me, regrettably I am alone. Thanks again, have a nice day.
For those who have had a problem to watch my videos in my blog, can watch them here.
j'aime beaucoup cette recette en plus avec sabir erreba3i, hihihihi un delice
ReplyDeleteHi sabah...it looks very delicious, will surely try this one soon and am sure i wont regret it too:-)
ReplyDeleteça donne trop faim ça
ReplyDeletesalam hbiba
ReplyDeleteta tourte est magnifique ça donne vraiment envie!
Et je voulais te dire aussi la photo du plat a tagine est trèèèèèèèèèèèèès beau en noir, il est magnifique,
tu l'as acheté au Maroc?
gros bisou prends soin de toi
Ton chicken pot pie doit être si réconfortant et goûteux!
très belle présentation sabah!! bravo alik.
ReplyDeleteMmm!! J'adore ce genre de mets bien réconfortant;)xxx
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of putting the crust over the bowl! Looks so tempting! :)
ReplyDeletewhat a perfect chicken pie great job
ReplyDeleteTrès jolie tourte au poulet !!!!
ReplyDeletePour ce midi, un morceau ne serait pas de refus !
Bisous, Doria
ReplyDeleteRabi hafdek pour ta famille tes enfants et tout ce que tu fais
saches que toi aussi sur ton blog tu fais des miracles article bilingue video toute une panoplie de photos qui accompagnent c est un tresor tout ca bisous
joumou3a moubaraqa bi koul khair Insha Allah
trop bonne ta recette
ReplyDeleteun vrai délice
je te souhaite une très belle journée
gros bisous
i believe it when you say it's delicious, i love that dish!
ReplyDeleteHuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! ta tourte est tout simplement succulente. Lah ya3tèk sahacessestb
ReplyDeleteil est superbe ton blog et très bien expliqué !! clic et merci !!