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31 August 2009

Date Balls كرات التمر

Our challenge for this month is from Iraq.
Iraq is a country bordered by the Emirate of Kuwait in the South and by Saudi Arabia through a desert region to the West. To the North there is also a smaller border with Jordan, and a much longer border with Syria. To the East is a long border with Iran across mountainous terrains.(source).
I wish a happy Ramadan to all our families and friends in Iraq.
Je souhaite un trés bon Ramadan à tout nos familles et nos amis en Irak.

Each month the Walima club, which I am a member of, gives a new recipe challenge.
Our friend Arlette from phoeniciangourmet gave us the choice between 3 different recipes, the first savory dish which is called "Lissan el Kadi ", eggplant wrapped meat, I already posted something similar called Eggplant bolognaise.
The second challenge is "Cardamom cookies", I also have a similar recipe called Vanilla cookies, the one thing different is, instead of cardamom I have used vanilla.
So I decided to make the third recipe " Date balls ". /


  1. ماشاء الله حبيبتي كرات لتمر جد رائعة
    انا عملت بسكوت شاكرلاما
    رمضان كريم

  2. those look interesting...i haven't tried that not even once.

  3. J'adore cette specialité savoureuse et saine! Tes boules de dattes me donnent très envie....



  4. Une recette qui me donne très envie.

  5. J'ai faimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!, ça donne vraiment envie d'en croquer,tellement elles ont l'air délicieux.Bravo pour ce travail.
    au fait! tu as vue ce que farid ta répondue sur la cuisine marocaine?
    Ce sera dommage si tu n'envoie plus de recettes.

  6. تبارك الله عليك أختي صباح
    وصفاتك كلهل غزالة مشاء الله عليك و الله يبارك ليك في أولادك
    بالنسبة للشحمة أختي
    انا لقيت ليك الحل أجي نديرو أنا وياك شي مشروع
    أنا نصدر ليك البضاعة -يعني الشحمة - و أنت تكلفي بالبيع
    صافي ؟؟؟؟؟

  7. Awesome work sabah,the balls look perfectly done :D

  8. Asalam Alaykum,

    They look so good. I did not make them because I had already made this recipe and posted it about a year ago this is a pretty common Saudi recipe..

  9. Ca doit être vraiment bon. J'aime beaucoup les dates.

  10. c'est marrant j'ai choisi aussi cette recette et ma présentation est assez proche de la tienne, je publierai bientôt!
    tes photos sont très jolies, bravo à toi.

  11. hummm ça doit etre un délice!!!!!

  12. Those are delicious! Love dates!

  13. Amazing job my dear Sabah
    and very lovely Tajine platers for display...

    who hungry for a sweet bite must come and check your blog...by looking we will gain 10 pounds.

    awesome as usual......
    Ramadan Karim.

  14. toutes tes recettes sont belles et bien organisées..j'ai beaucoup raté cette semaine chez toi prsq je suis un peu occupée..grand bravo
    merci sabah.
