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29 May 2009

Colorful Cookies

Almond Surprise


Moroccan Slipper

This recipe is our first challenge of Walima club, which I am a part of (if you want to join us to
the club, you are welcome). It is an Algerian recipe, it has been proposed by our friend Khadidja, she took us to Algeria to make us discover this beautiful country which is a part of the Maghreb, its capital is Algier, situated in the North, on the Mediterranean Coast, it is the biggest country bordering the Mediterranean Sea and the second largest country in Africa after Sudan.

Khadidja gave us two choices, one is "Tagine with olives ", the second one is "Almond surprise", it's also called " Basket of the bride " because it's usually prepared on the occasion of a marriage. It's based on almond and water of orange blossom.
I choose the dessert because I have made a lot of "Tagine recipes" before.
I wanted to change the recipe a little by adding my personal touch, I used the same dough to prepare Moroccan slippers and roses, these shapes already exist in the Moroccan bakery, the dough looks a little bit like the dough of the " Algerian basket ". The result was excellent and the taste is the same, what's really different is the forms of the biscuits. /


  1. Must e so tidious to do...lots of colors very cute!

  2. machalahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hadchi ghsallllll

    tbarkalah 3lik

    meri hbiba pr ton commentaire

  3. Now I can sse your video
    thanks a lot or sharing it

  4. I absolutely love the artistry that you showed in making these! A true work of art! J'adore les babouches surtout! tres drole! Il faudrait vraiment faire connaitre ses cookies aux americains. Tres "over the top" comme on dit ici. Bravo! Excellent travail!

  5. I can't believe how cute they look and I wish I could taste them too! I bet it took a lot of patience!!! Good job!!!!!!

  6. Awesome Awesome Awesome Job Sabah
    Iam so proud of you and this beautiful work...
    thanks so much..for an amazing first challenge.

    Enjoy the visit with your sister, and give her my regards as well.
    Taalami mina Tuhaf al Matbakh wa Athifini Ya Sabouha.

  7. salam alikom warahmato allah wabarakatouh ma chère sabah,

    Oh tes petits gâteaux sont magnifiques allah ya3tek assaha et macha allah 3lik.

    je te souhaite une belle soirée

  8. Sabah you did a wonderful job!!!! you are so talented!! I hope you enjoyed these delicate cookies :)

  9. Love your blog!! These look Yummy. I wish I was as talented as you!
