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30 May 2009


Hello my friends,
I would like to announce that my blog will be taking a break for about a month.
My older sister (who is like a mother to me), will be arriving Saturday, May 30th from Morocco (Inchaallah), she will stay the entire month of June in the USA. I am very happy to have her with me, especially that it will be the first time in 20 years that I'm not traveling in Morocco in the summer to see my family.
Anyone who lives far from their family knows exactly what I am talking about.
So I am going to stop posting my recipes until she leaves (in July), and also because I want to take a break from blogging.
I promise you that I will return with new Moroccan and international recipes, I'll also come to visit you as usual in July and to leave you comments.
I will miss you !


  1. Enjoy your time off blogging and enjoy your sister's visit with you and your family. we will miss you too!

  2. Go ahead and have fun, enjoy your blogging break with your sister.

  3. Bonne pause. Juste pour te dire que j'ai réalisé ta recette des argan rolls et je ne le regrette pas. A bientôt.

  4. enjoy your sister's visit
    I hope you 'll come to morocco one dayy so we can meet

  5. Je suis contente pour toi ,c'est vraie la personne qui vit loin vit une ghorba et la famille c'est sacree ,ca nous manque.Passe lui le bonjour de ma part.Repose toi bien .On t'attend pour juillet inchaallah.Bisous

  6. Chère amie lointaine,
    Profite bien de ta soeur pendant ce mois de Juin et du repos bien mérité. Je t'attendrai avec impatience et amitié,

  7. J'espere que tu vas bien ma chère sabah ainsi que ta petite famille. repos bien méritée, on t'attend avec impatience.


  8. bonjour ,j'ai un prix pour toi , aller voir dans mon blog. bon vacance chere amie sabah

  9. salam alikom warahmato allah wabarakatouh ma chère sabah,

    Je te souhaite de bons moments avec ta soeur et allah ydawamha mahaba binatkom inchallah.

    stp visite mon blog car j'ai petit cadeau pour toi.

    bonne journée

  10. Enjoy your time with your sister. Meanwhile, I just found your blog, so I will checking out all your posts. MachAllah your blog is wonderful!

  11. Hope you have a lovely time with your sister. I was looking for a recipe and a friend (Henia) told me about your site. Can't wait for more!
