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07 August 2009

Hot and Cold Squid dishes

Calamaris is a great seafood. There are so many delicious dishes that you can make with Calamari, here are two of my favorite. /


  1. i love squid! i also make many dishes out of it =)

  2. These Calamari dishes all look fabulous! Thanks for sharing these great pictures!

  3. karimacuisine.canalblog.comAugust 8, 2009 at 1:23 AM

    salam...justement je sors aujourd'hui pour acheter du poissons..tu m'as donné l'idée!!!!aussi tes plats marocains sont superbes....merci pour le partage et pour ta visite..........bizou

  4. Looks delish!I've never tasted calamaris :D
